It is not about just hiring qualified employees – strong teams need to be built through activities designed to bring them together. Here are five reasons why you should hold at least one team building event annually.
Qatar is a multicultural melting pot. One of the highlights of living and working in a vibrant country like Qatar is that you get to meet people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Team building events based on differences, example: cultural potluck or international theme, helps to open the lines of communication and encourage people to build new friendships. Better communication ensures better workflow.
Team building activities build a rapport between the employees. If one team member has relatively less work or completes her task before time, she can help another member to finish their work. This gets the project completed faster and increases productivity, but this will not happen if the employees lack aforementioned rapport.
It is the perfect opportunity for the employees to get to know each other. Interacting with co-workers in a non-work setting encourages them to mingle and network.
In a culture that lacks competitiveness, employees aren’t as encouraged to think outside the box. In a healthy competitive work setup, everyone gets a chance to win. Fun activities and games planned at team building events help to bring together the employees and encourage them to work as a team. This will result in better ROI, motivated co-workers who work together, coach one another, and cheer their peers.
This is the best part of team building events! In a work setting and with a busy schedule, you don’t get to learn much about your team members. There are often hidden talents that can be discovered while chatting in a non-work setup. Did you know that an employee who gets to use their strength at work everyday are less likely to quit and more productive?
Get in touch with Qatar Venues to organise the next team building event for your company.